Centre Membership

Centre Membership

Would you like to help with the maintenance and development of Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin, Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre for World Peace and Health. Members can support our work by joining those who are already contributing by monthly ‘standing order’ to Kagyu Buddhism Ireland, the charity responsible for the Centre and its activities. 

By making a regular donation in this way, you help to ensure the stability of the Centre and enable it to continue to improve its service to you and the public at large. Regular donations help us move towards our goal of building the first urban Tibetan Temple in Ireland. 

Your donations will help to keep the light of the Dharma burning brightly at KSDD so that many more people can continue to have their lives enriched and transformed by teachings radiating from the precious tradition which it upholds. 

To become a Member of Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin, please download and complete this Membership form and send it in to your bank/financial institution, or use the IBAN/BIC to set up a standing order.

Membership Categories

Members are entitled to discounts in the facility fees for retreats, courses, talks, etc. (with the exception of some courses run by external providers) as follows:

Basic Membership            €15 or more per month for one person   (20% discount)

(intended for students and those on social welfare)                                 

Associate Membership     € 25 or more per month for one person   (20% discount) 

Supporting Membership   €40 or more per month for one person or a family (30% disc) 

Sustaining Membership    €75 or more per month for one person or family    (50% disc) 

Circle of Generosity          €108 or more per month for one person or family   (no charge) 

About Donations: Kagyu Samye Dzong is run solely by volunteers. All donations received are used to run the Centre and provide teachers and courses. If finances are a genuine obstacle, you are welcome to contribute in whatever way you can – the volunteers always need help!



Kilmainham Well House     Tel: (01) 453 7427

56 Inchicore  Road              www.buddhism.ie

Kilmainham                         info@buddhism.ie

Dublin 8        FB: Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin

Company 332409, Charity CHY13981, Registered in Ireland

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17th January 7pm, The start of a series of Dharma related Film Screenings.
25th January, Start of Saturday Morning Dialogues with Dònal Creedon.
See Events for more information
We are working on improving our website. We apologize for any errors in appearance or functioning while the website is under construction.

17th January 7pm, The start of a series of Dharma related Film Screenings.
25th January, Start of Saturday Morning Dialogues with Dònal Creedon.
See Events for more information
We are working on improving our website. We apologize for any errors in appearance or functioning while the website is under construction.