- samyedzong
- Jan, 16, 2014
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Dear Friends,
Happy LOSAR from all at KSD Dublin. And a New Year’s message from Ani Yonten
After three months as a resident nun in Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin I feel I am settling in and activities gradually start to develop. But of course, there is always still a lot to aim for.
I want to thank you all for your continual support to the Centre as well as to me personally during my first months here in Dublin.
In the Karma Kagyu tradition, the week before LOSAR – Tibetan New Year – is usually dedicated to the Mahakala protector practices aimed at clearing away any obstacles remaing from the old year to start the New year afresh, hoping it will bring peace and harmony and abundance, both on a personal level and to the world in general. To attend these prayers this year, I will be in Samye Ling in Scotland from 2nd to 10th February.
I wish you all a Happy LOSAR and looking forward to meeting you again in the Year of the Wood Dragon, may it bring joy and harmony and many opportunities to practice and develop on the dharma path.
Warm greetings,
Ani Yonten
Join Ani Yonten on Sundays in February Meditation Practice Days, a chance to spend time in silent meditation, and sit with fellow pracitioners. All welcome to attend any or all of the sessions. There will also be introductory sessions in Buddhism and the practice of Dharma, as well as instruction in meditation for newcomers, and drop-in mindfulness sessions in February, see our Events page for further information.
Regular Weekly Schedule from March 1st 2024:
Tuesday opening time 6.30pm – 8pm *please note there will be a series of talks by Donal Creedon on 5th, 12th and 19th March*
7pm – 8pm Mindfulness Drop-in session on Tuesday 26th, led by Dorcas Dillon (click here for more information)
Wednesday opening times 6pm – 8pm
6pm – 6.30pm Drop-in Meditation instructions for newcomers, by Ani Yonten
6.45pm – 7.45pm Calm Abiding meditation
Thursday opening time 6pm – 8pm
6.30pm – 7:45pm Calm Abiding meditation followed by Chenrezig puja
Saturday opening times 9.45am – 12noon
10.30am – 12noon Green Tara puja led by Ani Yonten (doors open 9.45am)
Sunday opening times 10am – 5pm*
For other scheduled events in February see our Events page, as events are confirmed we will get them on the web!
Following the instruction of our Abbott and Director, Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche, we are expanding Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin to help us bring the Dharma to an even greater number of people and build the first Tibetan Temple in Dublin.
We hope that you will all join with us on this journey. The growth of the Centre was the dream of our Founder, Akong Tulku Rinpoche, and on his last visit to Dublin in April 2013, he told us that this was what we have to make happen. This will require effort and support, both financial and physical, from the whole community of Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin, to realise his dream of a bigger Centre for Dublin.
To enable us to achieve this goal we are looking for people to become ‘Supporters of Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin’ – we are looking for 108 participants – who will agree to commit to contributing just €5 per month (or more if you can manage it). This will provide us with a regular income stream to allow us to meet repayments. If you are in the lucky position to be able to make a more significant financial commitment to the Centre – either in the form of a once-off donation or an interest-free loan, please let us know. Contact us by phone 01 4537427 or by email to find out how you can donate. You can also download a Membership form and Membership leaflet, print it off, fill in and send it to your bank, or use the details to set up a standing order online
Looking forward to seeing you in the Centre soon!!!
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